Despite the fact that some websites claim to have coupon codes for, the reality is that does not offer coupons. Our prices are already deeply discounted and shipping is free on $199+ orders. Plus, we offer excellent customer service and an extensive selection of bats, gloves and other baseball and softball gear. So although we may not offer coupons, we do offer an online shopping experience that we hope will have you coming back again and again!
At Closeout Bats we stock what we sell! We have a huge warehouse and are NOT drop shipping bats like many web sites. We update inventory and availability on the Web site several times a day as inventory positions change shipping hundreds and hundeds of bats. We also sell bats out of our physical store, so sometimes things sell out before we can get them off the Web site.
Limited quantities available. Prices subject to change without notice. Like we say, if it's on the site, it's in the warehouse -- just SOMETIMES it might have some other player's name on it! If you snooze, you lose, so ORDER YOURS NOW!